
Dental implants serve as a remarkable solution for replacing missing teeth and can be conveniently carried out here in Nelson, significantly enhancing your eating and overall quality of life.

Individuals often opt for dental implants if they prefer not to have a noticeable gap, wish to avoid using partial dentures, or have experienced tooth loss due to an accident.

The procedure involves placing a titanium screw into the jaw bone, where it seamlessly integrates with the surrounding bone tissue. Atop this screw, a porcelain crown or dentures are affixed, completing the implant restoration.

Dental implants can be utilized to replace a single tooth or multiple implants can be employed to replace entire dentures.

The process of obtaining a dental implant is a multi-stage endeavor that spans several months to a year and requires collaboration between an Oral Surgeon or Periodontist, both of whom are available in Nelson, and your dentist.

The initial consultation is a crucial step and includes:

  1. A discussion about your personal details, medical history, medications, and smoking habits.

  2. X-rays and, in some cases, 3D scans to comprehensively assess the implant site.

  3. The creation of models of your mouth to analyze your bite and determine optimal implant placement.

  4. A meticulous evaluation of your remaining teeth.

  5. Referral to the Oral Surgeon or Periodontist specializing in dental implant placement, who will conduct a pre-treatment consultation with you.